Our Crowdfunding project entered the final phase!
International Medical Transportation
Only 5 days left till the date of September 17th!
Hello everyone!
Now, we are asking crowdfunding at the website of readyfor. The limit will be September 17th.
It has already reached to 50% target, we cannot find the word how we appreciate you support.
But, we need to ask much more support ...
To help patients who are suffering from their situation...To support them to transfer their home country... To have treatment with the most comfortable place....
Our page at readyfor is below account.
Thank you very much in advance!

(This is our clinic director, Mika Washio M.D. Eating local food is one of exciting thing when we pick patient up all over the world. However staying only short time, enjoying the local meal give us a lot of energy and motivate us for the safety medical transportation with the patient! )