International Health Care Clinic

International Health Care Clinic

International Medical Transportation


International Medical Evacuation- India on Christmas- Shiratama nurse

Hollo there. I went to New Delhi in India for a medical evacuation on Christmas, it’s been a while [....]

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International Medical Evacuation ~U.K.~

Hope you are doing well everyone! Summer has started in Japan!! (It is too hot already.)   The fir[....]

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Medical Evacuation-Vietnam-

Hi everyone. My name is Yamaguchi who have just got in this Clinic last May 2023. Please let me int[....]

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International Medical Evacuation ~Vietnam~

I hope everyone is doing well. It has been a long time since I have blogged...please take care of[....]

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~Medical evacuation to Vietnam~

This time, we transported a patient from a hospital in Ehime Prefecture to Vietnam. The patient[....]

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今回は愛媛県の病院からベトナムへ帰国される患者様を、飛行機で搬送しました。 患者様は勤務先で体調不良となり入院された方でした。ご家族様、勤務先の会社様ともに、患者様がスムーズに意思疎通ができ[....]

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Domestic Medical Evacuation

Spring is here in Japan!I am very happy to see my favorite flowers, cherry blossoms, during my [....]

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~Medical evacuation to CANADA~

This time, we were requested by a hospital in Chiba Prefecture to transport a patient who wanted to[....]

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Medical Evacuation~South Asia

The Covid-19 virus is getting settled down, we're seeing more and more travelers from overseas on t[....]

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We did International evacuation. ⑦

We provided International evacuation using crowdfunding from Japan to Korea on 11th, 12th June ev[....]

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