International Health Care Clinic

International Health Care Clinic



these days hot-topic, CoronaVirus

インターナショナル ヘルスケア クリニック 医師 鷲尾美香です。 今回は、巷でかなり話題になっているコロナウィルスについて、少しお話しをしたいと思います。   コロナウィルスは風邪の原因となるウィル[....]

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New vaccination : Meningococcal Group B Vaccine (BEXSERO) has arrived!

This is an information, Meningococcal Group B Vaccine (BEXSERO) have arrived our clinic. Meningococ[....]

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All the best wishes in 2020!

A Happy New Year! We, International Health Care Clinic do our best in 2020 as well.  The Olympics y[....]

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【Information of medication in stock at our clinic!】

We have some medications at our clinic such as antibiotics, pain killers, IV fluid etc.… Do you hav[....]

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Our crowdfunding project will be finished today at 23:00.

Hello everyone! Our crowdfunding will be finished today at 23:00.  Thank you for all people who alr[....]

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Our Crowdfunding project entered the final phase!

Only 5 days left till the date of September 17th! Hello everyone! Now, we are asking crowdf[....]

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